The Magical Light At The End Of The Rainbow
In the predawn hours of June 21st– day of the summer solstice and of the most light – seven luminous rays streamed toward earth. As dawn broke from country to country, seven tiny babies were born at the point where each ray met land – seven tiny infants – one for each of the seven continents. As the last child arrived, a lone, brilliant stream of light encircled the planet, bringing a promise of magic and mystery to our world. It will be fifteen long years on this exact date, before these four tiny girls and three small boys would come together, and awaken to fulfill their fantastic destinies.
Kathryn Daley has been immersed in the Arts all of her life and was the youngest charter member of the Cincinnati Ballet Company. She went on to receive a Bachelor’s degree from Ohio State University and a Masters degree in Business from the University of Dayton. For over twenty-five years she has worked in the film and television business on award-winning projects in the United States, Europe and Africa and is a voting member of the Television Academy.
Inspired by Angels
I love everything to do with angels, mystical beings and anything that magically sparkles with light. I am drawn to basking in the sunlight and feeling its warmth on my skin.
One sunny afternoon, more than 25 years ago, I sat on a hillside in Malibu, California leaning against a huge rock overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I began to meditate when off in the distance a beautiful rainbow appeared and inspired this book, The Magical Light at the End of the Rainbow.
There is a saying that “life gets in the way,” and this novel was tucked away for decades. Then one day, I visited a beautiful waterfall and was inspired to resume writing my book. A miraculous energy burst forth from me, as a mystical event propelled me forward animating every word and I completed this book! A true magical and inspirational gift from the Universe! Please see the magical, other wordly, angels who appear in the waterfall pictured on the left!
THE MAGICAL LIGHT AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW– “A fantastical journey filled with warmth and magic. This story is definitely some where else ‘over the rainbow!’ I felt transported into a magical land that blended reality with fantasy. Kathryn Daley gives a fresh perspective on light vs. dark that is both entertaining and empowering. From Geography to mysticism, be prepared for a ride that is sure to captivate and touch your heart.”– Randy Spelling
Come Join this Mystical Journey!
Book Trailer
“In a time where superficial things seem to run our everyday lives, THE MAGICAL LIGHT AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW is a refreshing story that brings us back to what is important. Reading this brings us to a magical place where nothing else seems to matter and where we can forget about daily trivialities. Kathryn Daley did a fantastic job and her writing transported me to a much needed holiday for my mind!”– Kiera Chaplin